What do Penn State, Yahoo!, The Economist Magazine, MTV and the White House have in common? They all use Drupal CMS as the engine for complex, media-rich websites. I use Drupal 7, the most powerful open source content management system available, to build all types of sites and delivery systems that work for you.
Drupal separates your content from the many ways it can be accessed. From traditional websites, to rss and mobile feeds, e-commerce and social media integration, it lets you control your message and image in real time without re-building for every delivery.
The content input and editing process is easy in Drupal. No coding is necessary with the WYSIWYG interface so you can see just what it'll look like on the screen. Add images simply to the story or into albums. Dozens of site designs built in with a standard installation.
Easily add interactive features like forums, polls, questionaires/webforms, comments, and membership only content. Drupal supports shopping carts and all web based transaction options for e-commerce. Completely customizable in features and design to reflect your unique brand and handle all your web based needs.
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